Wednesday, December 15, 2010


this amazing little girl is five today. i can't believe how quickly she is growing up.

she is beautiful. she is spunky. she is hilarious. she is sensitive. she is loving. she is talkative. she is still daddy's girl. she is an incredible little girl.

we are beyond blessed to be her parents. we love her so much.

i will never forget my pregnancy with eva. i had many, many ultrasounds. many scares, and many times, especially in the beginning of her pregnancy i was sure i had lost her or was going to lose her. even my doctor was cautiously optimistic at how things would turn out.

one time in particular i was about 10 weeks along and was certain i was having a miscarriage. shaun picked me up and took me to the women's evaluation unit at the hospital. we had to sit in a little room for a long time waiting for someone to see me. it was just shaun and me, waiting to find out if eva was still with us. it is amazing how much peace God gave us as we just sat there staring at each other. i can distinctly remember that peace. finally a nurse came and did an ultrasound and there was eva, this very tiny, tiny baby waving a little arm to us.

 it was incredible. God answered many prayers!

not too long after that shaun wrote this song:

Soon Will Be Now
I saw you wave today, kicked your feet tried to play,
You try to hide but still I can see.
I wanted to hold your hand, walk with you help you stand
Watch as your little face smiles back at me.
But now is for growing, and now is for waiting,
Now is for living unseen.
Soon you will see my face, and we’ll share a long embrace,
Soon will be now wait and see.
Some things will make you cry, they’ll hurt a little while,
But soon all the things that can hurt you must go.
So when darkness makes you scared, and you feel there’s no one there,
There is still someone who sees you and knows.
Jesus is coming. Soon you will see Him.
Soon all the dark things must leave.
So just close your little eyes. Soon morning brings the light.
Soon will be now wait and see.

so now, this amazing miracle is turning five. 
happy birthday eva denise!


  1. What a beautiful song! What a beautiful girl! I remember your pregnancy well, too, and was privileged to pray for you and Eva before she was even born. God is good!!!

  2. Anonymous10:22 AM

    She is an incredible little girl and we are so thankful for her! Can't wait to celebrate her 5 years this weekend!
    Aunt Ne-Ne

  3. shirley10:52 AM

    Ms. Eva, mi-mi is sorry that she can't be with you today. Your Mom reminds me that I have been there for every birthday for you and the day that you were born, but not your 5th Yes, she did make me feel guilty. I love you so much and hope that you have a fun, filled birthday. As Lily would say Happy Grrrrr-birthday Eva

    love, mi-mi

  4. Wow, I had never heard about your pregnancy with her! Amazing. She is so fun. I call Claire "cutie girl" every now and then in honor of Eva.

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I remember when I got the phone call that you were born 5 years ago! Then the first time I got to see you! I hope you have a Great Birthday! Love you so very much!


