Sunday, December 12, 2010

tiny tim and the great blizzard. and other matters.

tiny tim

this year shaun named our tree "tiny tim" because he thought we were getting smaller tree. i think it is actually a pretty good sized tree. it's pretty cute and smells so very good! and it only cost us $30. and it comes complete with that hideous ornament from annie, which strangely can't be seen too well.  and if you are having trouble sleeping tonight you can read about all the other trees that we have named for the past five or so years.

i bought two ornaments this year for the girls. i picked out lily's:

and eva picked out this thing:
this is definitely way more hideous than anything on our tree.  five schrute bucks to anyone who can figure out what it is. and an extra 5 schrute bucks if you know what a schrute buck is.

matters of randomness:

this is shaun with his birthday presents. i like to call him boris now. please note the awesome cake i made with the number 36 on it.

a random picture of lily.

a random and very sad picture of eva. i didn't have recent pic of her so i snapped this a few minutes ago right after she got in trouble. she refused to smile for me.

the great blizzard! (read title in a great booming voice with slight echo)

we had a blizzard last night! how cool is that? i will tell you: pretty cool. it is so very pretty. we had to cancel church today so we have enjoyed sitting around watching neighbors get stuck, spin wheels, and dig their cars out.  it is very windy outside and getting much colder with wind chills below zero. brrrr. hopefully the roads will be clear enough for shaun to pick up a pizza for tonight. because sunday is ALWAYS pizza and movie night. and we MUST have pizza. blizzard or no blizzard.


  1. So glad you are enjoying this weather! Get the delivery man to do the work on the pizza tonight :)

  2. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I love google because now you owe me 5 Schrute bucks! Of course what would I do with Schrute bucks?

  3. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Eva's ornament is a volcano.
    No doubt in my military mind.

    I know just where to spend my Dwight Schrute bucks!
    (I knew it before Denise looked it up on FB, really)

    See you next week!!

    Love your Uncle Stephen

  4. Eva's ornament really IS more hideous than the ornament I gave you! Way to go, Eva! And way to go, Danielle, for being SUCH a COOL Mom!!! I am so NOT that cool - because I would never have let my child pick out such a hideous ornament, PAID for it, AND let her put it on my tree. But you are all about a good laugh, and that is something I wish I had more of. THanks for being such a good influence on me! You make me want to be a more fun Mom!

  5. It's a pink pony of course! What else are you going to put on a Christmas tree?

    Eva, your Aunt Cathlena loves you and you can put it on my tree anytime!

