Saturday, December 25, 2010

christmas past, christmas present, merry christmas.

merry christmas from the spencer family!

what a difference a year makes. here we are this year, in madison wisconsin, all decked out in our warm christmas eve clothes. getting ready to don our gay apparel of coats, hats, gloves, and boots to trudge out into the cold blustery snow to go to a christmas eve party and then to the christmas eve service (where, by the way, lily was very noisy: talking, dropping books, removing all the little white paper protectors from the candles, tooting, and trying to escape and play a piano). where was i... oh yes, what a difference a year makes. here we are this year:

and last year we were in aiken south carolina, where shaun was wearing shorts on christmas day, eva and lily are only wearing sweaters and we went out to play in the yard. this year shaun and eva are out sledding. pretty crazy what can happen in a year!
and here we are last year:

so, now on to christmas eve pajamas. we always buy pajamas for each other. shaun got me footy pajamas this year. and everyone looks good in footy pajamas! see for yourself:

the girls looking christmas-eveie in p.j.'s.

the family pajama picture. right before the girls go to bed and mommy and daddy have pecan pie!

christmas morning was good. the girls opened stockings first which contained one of every item from the $1 bin at target.

then they opened lots of great presents from grandparents, aunts & uncles, and cousins.

and just because everyone looks so good on christmas morning, we must take a picture and post it for the entire cyber world to see. see how much good night's rest does for one's looks? okay, don't look too closely!

that's the end. we will continue to enjoy this marvelous day with ham, sweet potato casserole, stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, movies, and sleep. and then we will repeat the entire process. or as a wise man was once quoted (homer simpson, i believe): "lather, rinse, repeat. always repeat."


  1. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Merry Christmas! Love you guys very much!

    Nanny & Papa

  2. shirley8:10 PM

    love the pics! and love you!
    where did you get that snazzy white scarf?

    love, mom

  3. i'm still laughing out loud about you in footy pajammas....not necessarily about how silly you look, but just your comment about how EVERYONE looks good in them.
    what a fun tradition! I do this for the kids every year, although this year I only bought new ones for Aiden and Martin because they were sizes I didn't already have...but Clip's and Sophie's - I just rewrapped their christmas pj's from last year. ....amd I not so cheap?!

  4. Just wanted to let you know that my goal is to be as cool as you when I grow up - footy pj's and all!

    Merry Christmas!

