Sunday, October 03, 2010

we have arrived

my last blog post was titled "chaos" and the last two weeks since then have been even more chaotic. here is an overview of the last two weeks. and what the heck, i'll put it in bullet points because it gives us all warm fuzzies inside (and we could use some because it's CHILLY here!):

  • lots of packing
  • lots of eating out
  • lots more packing
  • shaun packed the car
  • lots of goodbyes :(
  • shaun rearranged everything in the car and repacked it
  • my mom flew in 
  • shaun rearranged everything in the car and repacked it again
  • 2 days later me, my mom, eva and lily arrived at airport at 4:30 a.m. to fly to minneapolis to hang out with my aunt, uncle and grandma for a few days
  • 5:08 a.m. at airport lily falls in chair and busts something in her mouth, screams and cries, and gets big bloody spot on my white shirt. did i mention it was 5:08 a.m.?
  • 6:49 a.m. at airport in charlotte lily falls again head first but thankfully on a padded chair with only a red mark on her forehead to show for it. did i mention that it was 6:49 a.m.?
  • shaun rearranged everything in the car and repacked it AGAIN
  • we arrive in minneapolis at 9:32 a.m. with no further injury to lily's head or face
  • shaun sat in a completely boxed up house all day waiting for the movers to arrive
  • the two moving guys were scrawny
  • our stuff barely fit on the truck
  • shaun rearranged everything in the car and repacked it again (this hasn't been verified but i'm just certain it happened)
  • shaun finally got on the road with a fully packed car and the cat
  • we hung out in minneapolis and went to the zoo
  • shaun drove for two days
  • we arrived in madison on wednesday
  • the scrawny moving guys and our stuff arrived wednesday night
  • spent all day thursday unpacking
  • hung pictures on the wall on friday and went to a pumpkin patch
  • saturday watched college football and bought cute warm boots
  • today we had our first official sunday at lake trails and it was wonderful
  • the new pastor at lake trails it totally hot
  • uncle stephen left after lunch
  • took mom to the airport this afternoon
  • fed girls dinner
  • girls to bed
  • and now finally resting after a very busy several weeks
  • and totally digging madison so far
  • and with all of that i leave you with a random and really old picture of eva acting like she is using shaun's neti pot. just because i like it. and by it i mean the picture. although that neti pot can really clean things out when one's sinuses are all icky.


      1. not that you and i weren't both experiencing some form of chaos, but PLEASE let me know next time you are in Minneapolis. PLEASE! i'd love to see those little ones in person! and give you a hug! k? k, great.

      2. Wait. Our new pastor uses a neti pot? I don't remember reading that on the MDF from the PCA Office. That was sort of a huge oversight, don't you think?

