Saturday, October 09, 2010


here are some pictures of our new place. the girls were in bed when i took them so i didn't get any pics of their room. we have a cozy little apartment on third floor. we have 2 bedrooms and a loft, 2 bathrooms, a parking space in the underground garage, and our front door is in a hallway like a hotel. we also have an elevator, thank you Lord! being in a smaller kitchen and having a much smaller dining area is taking a lot of adjustment for me. i really do miss my old kitchen that was so nice and open and had easy to scrub wood floors. (carpeted dining area + lily + eva = bad idea). but this is a nice apartment.

we really love madison. in the past 5 days we have played at 6 different parks, gone to the zoo, and hit the mall play area. and we have barely scratched the surface on the number of parks to go test out. the weather this past week has been very warm so it has been perfect for going to a different park every day. did i mention that we love it here?

we actually turned our AC on in the apartment today it was so warm. i was not expecting this in madison in october. i need to find out where to file a complaint about the overly warm temps and the blaring bright sunshine. seriously, the sun is bright here! i have complained about it everyday, much to shaun's dismay. warm sunny days? i want cold, snow, and clouds already!

okay, enough complaining about the perfect weather.  here's the place:
view from the front door
the very cozy little kitchen (quite a change from my last kitchen!)

view into living room

a view from our patio (on 3rd floor). look at all that sky!

the very, very cozy dining room. very cozy. front door on the right, and just to the left of the front door are the stairs to the loft.

another view down the street. not many big trees in our neighborhood since it's a newer but the little trees are so pretty with their fall colors.

view down the other direction of the street

our bedroom

view of the loft from the living room

another living room view


  1. re: kitchen - but not too different from three (and two, if I remember) kitchens ago . . .

  2. Aunt Kathy1:11 PM

    so glad you guys love madison. very cute aparment. and the views are are wonderful. hope it gets cold and cloudy for you soon!!!

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I neglected to warn you that it can be quite sunny up here in the north in the winter. And girl you haven't seen bright until you've seen the sun shining on the snow! Your new home looks very nice! Can't wait to see it in person in a few weeks!

  4. Your place looks great!

  5. did such a great job with your apartment...can you come do mine? <3 Cathlena

  6. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Very nice new place...can't wait to see it in person...hopefully soon.

    Love Nanny

  7. love it....seeing all your things makes me miss you guys even more. thanks for sharing the pics.

  8. Anonymous9:08 PM

    So glad to see Charlie in the picture....

  9. Anonymous9:08 PM

    So glad to see Charlie in the picture....

  10. It's beautiful! You guys sure do move in fast. Very impressive, Yu. Love and miss you guys!
    Megan T.

