Tuesday, September 21, 2010


our house and our lives are in disarray. this post will match the disarray in my life. here are random things that are happening (in bullet points for your viewing pleasure):
  • my kitchen and most of the rest of my house is packed
  • i bought ice cream and intend to eat it all in the next three days before we move
  • i also bought an ice cream scoop because i already packed the other one
  • don't buy cheap plastic ice cream scoopers, they suck
  • mint chocolate chip ice cream is my favorite meal ice cream
  • a small "palmetto bug" just briefly joined me on the couch (google it)
  • i let lily stand up in the cart in the target parking lot. the cart got stuck in a rut and lily's face went flying into the end of the card. no blood, probably just a chin bruise. this makes for several cheek bruises, one forehead gash, two bloody lips, a couple other forehead bruises, and now a chin bruise.
  • i can't believe we are moving in 3 days
  • shaun just killed the palmetto bug as it joined him on his side of the couch
  • i will not miss palmetto bugs when we get to madison
  • it is going to be 35 degrees cooler when i move in 3 days (yipee!)
  • someone needs to buy my house and refrigerator very soon
  • i need to have my eyes checked they are tired, or maybe i am just tired
  • i think that means i need to go to bed 
  • speaking of chaos, i leave you with these two chaotic, amazing girls:


  1. thanks for the update and thanks for the note on my blog! I wished we lived closer too! I would come eat icecream with you for dinner, but I would let Shaun kill the Palmetto bugs because I didn't have to google it to know how nasty those things are.
    And you may not miss the heat in the autumn....but won't you miss being able to put the girls in cute little sundresses for Easter?! I hate that its always still so cold at Easter and all the stores sell these cute sleeveless little dresses and shorts, but really what you need to wear are wool hats and down jackets and boots in March (and even early April!) I bet you'll miss S.C. then!!! :)

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Love these precious girls!


  3. No. More. Packing. Ugh!

    And Lily has an outie? ;)

  4. mint choc chip is my favorite too! come to oklahoma and I'll buy you some at braum's. :)

  5. Aunt Kathy6:25 PM

    You deserve the ice cream to help you get ready for your cross country move. Bugs? Ugh. Make sure you don't pack any and get them started in Madison. The girls are just so adorable. I love the pics of them.
    Praying for a safe, smooth trip for you guys.

  6. saw this blog at random. what cute girls you have. very nice shots as well.

    cheers from manila.

