Wednesday, May 26, 2010

the good, the bad, and the lazy

the good
let's start with the good, shall we? this year the tomato plants are thriving: good.

the bad
the squash and zucchini started off with a bang. we were thrilled about this because last year something went awry and our poor little plants didn't grow past a few inches.  well something has gone terribly wrong.  just look. something is eating the roots of our precious plants and KILLING them. maybe a vole? i say DEATH to all voles!!!! okay, maybe not. really they are kind of cute. did you click on that link at get a look at that little guy? makes ya just want to put him in your pocket! anyway. i "replanted" those wilty looking plants with hopes that they will grow new roots. and you know what? they are actually showing signs of life! i will keep you up to date on whether or not anything survives from this pathetic little garden. if this were 1843 we would surely starve. unless we ate voles. and tomatoes. and then we would feast like kings! vole and tomato shish-ka-bob. vole and tomato soup. roasted vole and sun-dried tomato casserole. VLT's: vole, tomato, lettuce sandwich. hee hee. too bad for shaun, who isn't eating much meat these days. he would surely starve.

the lazy
and in completely unrelated news. we found eva kicked back in the spare bedroom relishing her book of pictures of she and xan. we miss xan. and her mom and dad, of course.

by the way, lily is 15 months old today! wow. stats on her coming tomorrow after the 15 month check up.

1 comment:

  1. and we miss Eva! and her mom and dad and little sister of course!

