Thursday, May 27, 2010

fifteen months

oh, lily. you are fifteen months. time flies.

lily went for her 15 month check up today.  she is still my tiny little girl. MY tiny little girl. not shaun's. just in case you were wondering.

she finally weighs 20 lbs (10th percentile!)

and she is 29.75 inches tall (30th percentile)

she also briefly allowed me to put her hair up in her first "piggies" as we call them. she looked so cute.

she has a strong dislike for the flash on my camera. it scares her. and to be quite honest. i don't care much for the flash on a camera either so i usually try to avoid "flashing" when i take pictures. hee hee, flashing.

i think she also has a strong dislike for piggies in her hair. and that thing on her chin. but she's still pretty darn cute.
here are some more lily stats:
  • sleeping through the night consistently now for about a month (yeeehawww!). 
  • she has 7 teeth. four on top, three on bottom and at least one more about to come through.
  • has quite an extensive vocabulary: mommy, daddy, NO!, eva, book, more, snack, NO!, bath, nose, kitty, doggy, elmo, NO!, swing, up, bird, help, out, NO!, ball, baby, bow, pretty, NO! and many more.
  • she loves shoes. she is always bringing me her shoes to put on her, especially ones that squeak when she walks. she gets this from her mimi. her love of shoes, not the squeaking when she walks. i think she gets that from shaun.
  • she loves to swing and loves playing in the pool, being sprayed by the hose, digging in the dirt.
  • she is trying to transition to one nap which is not fun.
  • she loves eva but does not want eva to stop her from doing something. it makes her very mad. 
  • she is pretty tough and only cries for less than a minute when she busts her lip open, which has happened twice now. 
  • she likes to give her mommy kisses and blow kisses to daddy when he leaves. 
  • her favorite movie is elmo. every time i touch the tv she says "elmo!"
  • she is still a pretty good eater. fruit is probably her favorite right now.
  • she likes to snuggle and give me hugs, which i LOVE.
  • she laughs when she burps and toots. trying to figure out where that came from. we are serious in this house, people!
  • probably my favorite thing that she does right now is she tries to get our attention to show us something. she'll say "mama! bird" "daddy! ball". it's like she is saying look mommy, it's a bird!
  • she is just a sweet girl and a joy to our family.

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