Saturday, May 29, 2010

sweetie pie to evil eye

she can go from this sweet face to...

 this sweet face in about .000013987 seconds (and this is mild compared to what those eyes can really do. that one on the right with the lowered brow can roll up pretty far.)
take my word for it. don't try to cross this girl.


  1. Yep, all girl!! So is Lindsay, I think we might have our hands full during those teenage years. BTW, Lindsay has that same dress. I love little sundresses!

  2. Have you read the book, "Sourpuss and Sweetie Pie"? I'd definitely recommend it...

  3. They BOTH look pretty sweet to me - compared to Sophie's stink-eye.
    It's actually less of a stink-eye, and more like the look of a rabid dog about to attack its worst enemy! There is fury written in every square inch of her face - from her top of her wrinkled forehead to the bottom of her tensed jaw -- with all teeth bared in between!!
    I'm telling ya...its somethin else!
    You take such great pictures, though! They are both beautiful!

