Saturday, May 22, 2010

home improvements and cute buns

check out our new porch! we have done a few projects lately to the outside of our house. i say "we" as in "we" paid someone to sand and paint our shutters and "we" had gramps and grandma come down so gramps and shaun could build a new porch and "we" paid someone to come put in new garage doors and "we" bought flowers and bushes and i actually planted a few flowers and "we" got a new glass door from nanny for christmas and "we" paid someone to install it for us. see "we" have done a lot! here is how it looks now:

another view:

this is how it looked when we moved in:

and some cute buns:


  1. awesome! glad you did what we did and ripped out all those large shrubs and replanted smaller, nicer ones. good job!!

    also, is your house color different?

  2. nanny3:48 PM

    The house looks great! Will be there soon to see it in person!


  3. the new porch looks really good and the shutters too.....good choice on the color. gotta admit favorite is the buns.

  4. The porch looks great and I love the new shutter look!
    I'm just trying to figure out whats up with the 3/4 length shutters on your front door... ?!?!

    apparently the former owners were assuming that those huge shrubs were going to be there forever! :)


