Sunday, September 09, 2012

She's Coming Back Tomorrow (Guest post #2)

So Danielle comes home tomorrow. No, I haven't wowed you with her normal anecdotes. I just can't keep up with blogacious wit. But I did manage to keep the girls alive. Truth is, they have done pretty well even though we have all missed having momma around. Lily even told me the other day, "Daddy, I'm glad I'm stuck with you today." That helps don't you think? Now it hasn't been all Hallmark comments to be sure but we did ok. So here's how it has gone since I hijacked the blog:

Thursday after school we played for quite a while with some new friends at the park. On the way home Eva had a little "run in" with her new friend Emmerson. No really, they ran into each other while playing. He caught her right across the crown of her nose with his bike helmet in a head to head collision. It wasn't pretty but she survived. The picture makes it look worse than it was.

But how sweet is this note Emmerson brought by with a strawberry slushy? (I don't know how to turn it so tilt your head and know that Danielle will take over again soon.)

Not to let a little nose bump keep us down we decided it would be pizza night.

The cooks.

(She gets that photogenic smile from her dad)

(She gets that "give me a break" look from her mom)

Masterpieces in process

They got to decorate one on their own. Notice the Mason Dixon line demarcating whose side is whose.  A civil war was averted and even the border states were tasty. 

Daddy decorated his own too (no cheese, artichoke hearts, banana peppers, olives, and homegrown tomatoes...from someone else's home). And darn tootin' that's the last glass of mommy's wine in the background. Moscato is not my favorite but it'll do.

The aftermath.

Friday Lily and I got Eva off to school, hit the gym, ran some errands and dropped off the van for some service. Then we hopped on the bus and made our way home. I thought it was a pretty good idea to get all of this done so Danielle didn't have to be inconvenienced when she got back. I didn't plan on it raining that afternoon right about the time we had to walk and pick Eva up. No big deal. We just walked in the rain to the bus stop. I also didn't plan on catching the bus that was loaded up with high-schoolers getting out of class for the day. So the girls and I stood at the front of the bus, rather damp, with a stroller that I couldn't quite get closed, while holding onto an umbrella and two girls who were not accustomed to standing in a moving vehicle. The girls found the whole thing to be quite fun.

On Saturday I pawned the girls off on some (incredibly helpful, loving, gracious, saintly, etc.) friends because I had an all day Presbytery meeting in a town 2 hours from Madison. These are some amazing friends. The girls had a wonderful time (2 parks, an easter egg hunt, three meals, and all around fun) and Lily was asleep about 2.4 seconds after she her head hit the pillow.

Sunday was church. Everyone fixed their own hair (no pictures of that I can assure you). I'm glad I'm not a single dad of 2 girls. I don't understand how a 6 year old can stare at a closet and say there is nothing to wear. Listen sister I'm looking at two weeks worth of clothes right there. Put something on. And you're telling the wrong guy that your shoes don't match your dress. I wore tennis shoes with my dress pants to Presbytery...and I felt just fine about it. Like I told the folks at church this morning, if anything ever happens to Danielle (God forbid) it's gonna be khaki skirts and t-shirts for these kids. Everything matches khaki Eva...pick one of your 7 navy blue t-shirts and get in the van...

All in all, we had a nice day. I even watched 10 minutes of the Packers game. Then we went to see a dollar movie, came home and made burritos and now I'm making it my goal to bore both of the people who have read this far.

That said, we're ready for Danielle and Claire to be back. Everyone is excited to them tomorrow. But we did ok, me and my big girls. Even as we sit here Eva is talking in her sleep about something. Hey, maybe she is commenting on our unfinished discussion about Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Finally.

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