So I suppose this is a "guest post". Danielle is on her way to Oklahoma City. Eva and Lily are here with me for a weekend of fun, frolic and...who are we kidding...these kids are stuck with Mr. Dull. The running joke is that if I were a super hero, I would be the "Pleasure Zapper". My super power would be long explanations. We won't talk about what my costume would be.
Any-hoo, when we dropped Danielle off at the airport this morning (and Claire...she can't stray too far from the kitchen you know), Lily was sad. She said, "Eva is going to school all day and I'm stuck with you Daddy." You got that right kid.
So she and I have been running errands. Mail a package. Hit the gym. Pick up some groceries. I've got all of the dinners planned. Danielle is pretty sure the kids will be eating beans and rice all weekend but that is soooo not the case. Ok, one night we are all over some beans and rice. They love it. I love it. It's easy. So back off... But since I am not completely helpless we are actually making burritos one night and one night we are going to make...wait for it...homemade pizza. One for the girls (can you say cheese) and one for daddy (artichoke hearts. Oh Yeah!). I'm a regular Mr. Mom. I might even use the bread maker (probably not but it sounded good when I thought about it just now).
Besides that it is pretty much normal around here. Although Lily has shown little interest in what I would have been doing if I were at the church today. Why wouldn't a 3 year old want to discuss "Christ, Baptism and the Lord's Supper" (Leonard J. VanderZee; IVP Academic)? Actually some of you just blanked out for a minute too. Maybe when Eva gets home she'll be interested in a little reading time with Daddy. She was able to recite a portion of the Words of Institution that I say each week when we celebrate Communion. Although, when I asked her what they meant she looked at me like she had just realized I was still talking to her. Oh well. There is still Claire.
I suppose that is it for now. We'll see what happens as the weekend rolls along. And don't worry. Danielle will be back soon so the girls will be fine and the blog will return to its more typical literary glory. Until then, you're stuck with Daddy.
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