Tuesday, March 15, 2011

bringing sexy back

yeah that's right, we drive a minivan now.

don't hate.

we know we look good. so good that i think it's only right to point out that we are bringing sexy back to the minivan.

and we are accomplishing this in sweatpants and tacky snow boots. you can't handle us.
please note that i am in fact not flipping the camera off.  first of all eva is taking the picture and she is entirely too young to learn such a thing (that should wait until at least age 7 and she should learn it from someone at school, not her mother.) and  if i were flipping someone off i would make it much clearer than this.
not that i would ever do such an egregious (look it up) thing. 

see? minivan. ha ha, "mini"van!!! ooh, make it stop! (brought sexy to the minivan AND funny. yeah that's right.)

i guess all i need to do now is sign the girls up for soccer and buy a denim jumper with an apple applique.


  1. Love it!! -The van AND your post. :)

  2. Boo-yah! Welcome to the posse! Did you know you can transport a full-size motorcycle in the back of that hog if you take out the seats?! (Well, depending on your definition of "full-size"). And you'll be the envy of all your neighbors as they line up to ask if you can help them transport stuff across town!

  3. hilarious! you make it look good!

  4. We transported our King Size bed (found on Craigslist) from D.C. to our house (1.5 hours) in our minivan! It ROCKS!!!!

    And yes, you are TOTALLY bringing sexy back - especially being red! :)

    ok...so real story now, ...please?!
    what made you break?
    and by the way...did you buy a house in this humongous neighborhood?! Whoa.

    I've been meaning to ask you how your house selling in OK was doing....
    any buyers?!

  5. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Love this post! We miss you! But now in your minivan you can drive from WI to NY in comfort!

  6. All the sexiest moms drive minivans. I should know because I, too, have brought sexy back to King George, VA.

  7. ROCK ON!!!! thats right Im with Lindsey all the sexy moms drive minivans ! I brought sex back to Columbiaville MI
    love Rock star mom

  8. is that minivan ORANGE?!?

  9. ORANGE? are you crazy! you better have the computer screen checked. you know we would never do that. i prefer to call it CRIMSON. :)

  10. whew!!! i was really worried.

