Wednesday, February 16, 2011

you want to know

a typical day around here (in bullet points because it makes you happy and causes you to form a no-teeth-showing-slight-half-smile on the right side of your mouth):
  • girls out of bed 
  • snuggle in bed with mommy for 2 minutes until "someone" has encroached on "someone else's" part of the bed and both "someones" start whining and arguing
  • change diaper
  • breakfast
  • brushing/braiding hair
  • get little girls dressed
  • put on boots and coats and somehow manage to make it out the door
  • listen to a certain little girl who has a scar on her forehead whine all the way down the hall and on the elevator
  • possibly go to one of 3 libraries (leave 30 minutes later because of a tantrum by the thumb sucker, who shall remain nameless)
  • possibly sacrifice their health and wellbeing at the mall play area
  • possibly brave the children's museum (and one way streets downtown)
  • possibly walk around target and buy something we don't need
  • possibly manage to make it home in one piece
  • make lunches of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, hummus, chips, apples, cheese
  • "picnic" in living room with PBS cartoons (ahhhh peace and quiet)
  • a little drink for mommy (relax it's only a diet dr. pepper)
  • NAP TIME! and "quiet time" for eva
  • laundry
  • snack time
  • pick up house
  • start on dinner
  • shaun comes HOME (and we all rejoice!)
  • brain turns off and things get fuzzy from this point on: daddy's home
these two girls are worth every bit of craziness. so very thankful to be home with them each and everyday. 


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    And then the next day it starts all over! I"m so glad you are home with them too.
    Love you all,
    Aunt Ne-Ne

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I can relate to that one special word....thankful!!

    I look forward to seeing you next week!

    Love your Uncle Stephen

