Friday, December 03, 2010

the talking eye-booger

eva talks non-stop.

lately she has started to say some really funny things. the older she gets the funnier she gets. i try really hard to remember the funny things she says but sometimes i just forget!

so here's a little story from yesterday:

yesterday was shaun's birthday. in the morning we gave him some homemade cards and the ceramic oatmeal bowl that he wanted (it's what he asked for!). after we dropped him off at the library (a.k.a. his office) we went to buy him a furry bomber hat and then home to make him a cake. i had a talk with eva about how the hat will be a surprise and that we can't tell daddy about it. so i wrapped the present and we made a cake.

later after lily's nap we left to pick shaun up from the library. on the way there i told eva to not tell shaun about the cake and his present and that i want it to be a surprise for him when we get home.

she informed me that she just can't not say anything. i told her that she had to keep it a secret and that instead we would talk about something else and tell him that we were going to go buy sleds and that we could talk about that instead.

so we picked shaun up and we made small talk. things were going really well. i was thinking eva was going to make it and not say a word about shaun's surprise.

well, we made it almost to the mall to buy our sleds and this is what i hear from eva in the backseat:

"mommy, my eye-booger keeps wanting me to talk about daddy's surprise!"

we were so close. if it weren't for those darn persuasive eye-boogers that just want to spoil surprises. certainly can't blame eva for that one. not with that talking eye-booger telling her what to say.


  1. OH. Wow. Have you ever seen the Family Guy with the talking zit?? Your daughter is scaring me.

  2. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Oh belly LOL!!
    Aunt Ne-Ne

  3. miss you all soooo much!!!!My Grandaughter is 5. her name is natalis grace bland. Her Mom, My daughter, Cathy owns Tea Garden gifts. Natalie Grace gets figgety in Church, so her Mom And Daddy let her sit on the floor and play with Cathy's pocket book. She looked at pictures, played with keys, and all of a sudden the collection plate comes and Natalie just put a roll of money in.Several hundred dollars that Cathy opens the store with. Mommie and Daddy looked at each other in disbelief. They couldn't say anything to her fearing she would think it was wrong. They decided just to do nothing. Cathy said it was so funny.She was looking at things in the purse and when the plate came by she just flipped the roll of bills in without even looking at Mom and Dad. She's a Character. Love your blog and will come back to it tomarrow. You have two of the most beautifu little girls. My Goodness, it's not the same without you

  4. Perhaps the eye-booger told her about bowing to the statues of Oklahoma.

