Friday, May 07, 2010

it's that time of year again...

we got the pool out the other day (thanks xan!) because it's may, in south carolina, and it's already oppressive (in my opinion), hot, ridiculously humid, and down right disgusting outside. but i'm not bitter about it.  the girls really enjoy the freezing water in the pool. it's fun to watch lily as i set her feet in the water and her breath is taken away! eva isn't quite as quick to sit in the water as lily is.
yesterday they were in the pool and lily fell backwards so she was laying all the way down in the water and then she turned over with her face in the water and got up. she was pretty shocked by the experience but never cried. she wanted me to hold her but i just patted her and kept squishing the water out of the back of her swim diaper. the very swim diaper that had POOP in it. i did not know this.  poop was running down her legs, on her sandals and then on me, my shorts, and my hands. we went ahead and closed the pool for the afternoon.

also, in these pictures lily happens to be wearing the same swim suit she wore this time last year. how crazy is that? it's only a 3-6 months but from baby gap and their sizes run big. she also wore eva's old suit (size 12 mos) that eva wore when she was 6 months. it was a bit snug.  (these pics are especially for you annie!)

so if this was a story and there was a moral there would be several: 1. you will be hot and humid in south carolina. 2. watch those kids closely in the pool. 3. do not, under any circumstances squeeze a swim diaper that is still attached to a kid. 4. last years swim suit might still fit so give it a try.  5. when your friends move to china you get a lot of their old stuff, like swimming pools, so encourage those you love and are very close to to move so far away that they have to sell and get rid of all their personal belongings. sure you will miss your friend but you will get tons of cool stuff!


  1. I learn so much when I read your blog!

  2. We're more than jealous for your hot/humid weather. It may actually snow in Minnesota tonight. Snow. In May! I'd take a month in humidity over snow in May. But you can keep your squishy poopy swim diaper :)

  3. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Maybe it is easier to sit in a cold pool when you have warm poop in your pants. : ) but I don' think I'll try it!
    Love you all.... you make me laugh!

  4. I was delighted (albeit shocked!) to see Lily is still able to fit into that bathing suit! I'm so glad, as it is definitely my most favorite suit ever....although are you SURE it's not cutting off her circulation somewhere?!?! :)
    She is such a tiny fry!

    Here in Maryland, it's going to be in the 40s tonight and 60's tomorrow.
    I just put away all of the cold-weather clothes and now we're all going to freeze for Mother's day! :)


