Friday, May 14, 2010

it's official

these two are sharing a room! lily is FINALLY sleeping through the night so we are finally able to put them together. we rearranged practically every stinking room to make it happen. now the girls sleep in the same room.

the first night was sketchy in the beginning. shaun and i went to bed and 15 minutes later eva starts crying from a dream. this of course woke lily up. eva was crying loudly and wouldn't stop. not to be outdone, lily was crying very loudly and wouldn't stop either. shaun took eva into our bathroom to wake her up and i held lily and calmed her down. then eva proceeded to throw up on our bathroom floor because she was crying. i put lily back in bed and she screamed some more. we decided to put eva in our bed until lily was back to sleep. some time after 11:00 p.m. shaun put eva back in her bed and of course lily woke up again and started screaming. eva told her "lily, lay down, it's time to sleep!" we closed the door with both of them in there. thankfully lily didn't cry for very long and they both slept great. every other night has been great.

now our only problem is that lily wakes up before eva and the yells "eba! eba! eba!" and then they're both awake. this morning they both actually "slept in". yeeehawwww!

and here are pictures of the precious little poopsies playing with the baby doll stroller.


  1. They are so stinkin cute! I'm glad the room thing is working. Sounds like Eva pulled a "xan" in your bathroom floor. Gotta love the nightime throwup episodes....make for a very romantic evening for Mom and Dad.
    Miss you!

  2. I would have been tempted to despair and think we had made the wrong decision after that first night!
    But I'm so glad you didn't and of course, all transitions START like that...and then settle out!
    I bet they will LOVE sharing a room (at least until Eva's 13) :)
    and it will probably cause them to be such good friends!

