Tuesday, May 18, 2010

14 years

today shaun and i have been married for 14 years. we were sitting at the table the other day talking about our upcoming anniversary and here is how the conversation went:

shaun: can you believe we have been married for 14 years?

me: well almost 14 years. what are we going to do for our anniversary?

shaun: i don't know, we could go out to dinner. (with a leftover gift card from christmas)

me: i want a present or something and a card. not half dead flowers (this is a legitimate request, trust me). what do you want for our anniversary?

shaun: i want another 14 years exactly like the last 14.

eva (down the hall in the background): daddy! i'm going poopie!

eva: *grunting noises*

yep, a repeat of the last 14 years, poopie and all.

and what would a blog post about me and my lover be without pictures? could i be any luckier that to be with a guy who is willing (even if it is reluctantly) to take many goofy pictures with me for no apparent reason? i love him. :)

by the way, if you want to read our "story" i wrote it all out last year on our anniversary. click here


  1. Awww.....I just love you guys. Happy Anniversary!!

  2. happy belated anniversary to my favorite goofy picture taking couple. :)

