Thursday, March 14, 2013

claire's first bloody nose

when you live in a small house with two older sisters sometimes things happen. 

like when your middle sister doesn't know you are crawling behind her on the wood floor and your middle sister quickly turns around and knees you in the face and then you fall on your face, very loudly, onto the wood floor. this results in your first bloody nose. 

or when your biggest sister is playing nicely with you, on the wood floor, and you are crawling and your biggest sister tries to scoot you along by pushing your bottom and you fall face first, very loudly, onto the wood floor. this results in a bruise on your forehead. 

or when your biggest sister is playing with you under the dining room table and tries to lift you up, forgetting that you are still part way under the dining room table and rams your head into the table. this results in a lot of crying. 

or when you are trying to play and take a step and fall into your mommy's arms and plant your face in your mommy's collar bone. this results in many tears shed. 

it's tough being the baby. but at least she's well loved, kind of.

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