Wednesday, October 10, 2012

my trip to oklahoma

last month i went to oklahoma (with claire) to be with my family for the one year anniversary of my sister's death. 

it is truly hard to believe it has already been a year (over a year now). it feels like maybe a few months ago that my family walked the most difficult road we have walked yet. somehow time continues to trudge along no matter how much i just need it to stop for a moment so i can savor the memory of my sisters voice, her laugh, the last time we talked on the phone. i'm pretty sure the last time we talked on the phone is when i told her i was pregnant (with claire). at that time i didn't know if i was having a boy or girl, and my sister never knew. but i'm sure she wouldn't have been surprised that it was another girl since she had the boys in the family, and i have the girls. and oh how she loved my girls. she would have absolutely adored claire. it just breaks my heart so much that she never got to meet claire. 

so back to my trip...i really did have a great time and i'm so glad shaun encouraged me to go. i got to see my sister's beautiful headstone that my mom did such a wonderful job of picking out. it arrived on the morning of the anniversary so it was perfect timing. i got to go visit her grave with my mom and dad. it was such a meaningful time. 

we also spent lots of time with friends and more family. and claire certainly didn't have a shortage of love.

claire with just a few of our much loved friends.

we also celebrated calem's birthday while i was there. and i got to see my middle nephew desmond (on the left) and his daddy, santoy. it was so good to see them. claire also spent some quality time with her cousins (watching cartoons).

claire's first airplane ride: (also eating a plasic airplane cup)

my family.


and one last pic of me, my dad, and claire.

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