Sunday, September 30, 2012

this one

this one here is a funny girl. she keeps us laughing and smiling. she keeps silence at bay with her constant singing and talking. 

sunday mornings at church we have children's worship during the sermon. a couple months ago i decided that lily was ready to go to be part of children's worship. so right before all the kids head back to their classroom, they all go up front so shaun can pray for them. 

typically the kids go up, stand quietly and then rush off to the children's worship room. 

not lily. 

each week she has been up front she stands there with shaun after all the other kids leave and then says something loudly or talks to someone loudly. here is a list of the things she has said each week once all the other kids have headed to the children's worship room:

  • week 1: "hi robot!" (to our friend tim who lily thinks looks like a robot for some reason). "hey karen!!"
  • week 2:  "can i have some bread?" (eyeing the communion set up)
  • week 3: "hey, you're doreen! you came to church today!" (after seeing our friend doreen who doesn't make it to church very often)
  • week 4:  "YOU SKIRVY DOG!" (while running down the aisle she yells to shaun)
also, the other day we were talking with some friends about what we wanted to be for halloween. lily piped up and said:

"i know what i want to be for halloween! a pain in the patoot!"

we sure do love this silly girl!

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