six months old. it was bound to happen. as always, time is going by way too fast.
ready for some claire stats? well here we go:
- hopefully close to 15lbs
- no idea how long she is (we'll find out on monday)
- she no longer sleeps like she used to. in other words she is sleeping more like a newborn at night. you know, up every 3 or 4 hours. or less. ick.
- napping? what is napping? terrible napper.
- happy? most definitely. very, very, sweet and pleasant! very thankful for this.
- she has only tried a few "solids" but mostly still nurses every 2 hours or so.
- rolling over both ways
- getting close to sitting up
- best carseat sleeper of all 3 girls
- did i mention happy?
- and thankfully as you can see below, she has actually gotten cuter. what a relief!
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