Friday, August 17, 2012


gosh. i have been a bad blogger lately. we have been busy. but enough with the excuses!

we took a mini summer vacation to minneapolis.

does it count as a vacation when you go visit family?

 of course it does! (that is the right answer.)

 we had a great time.

some of my favorite people!

we went to como park zoo. we saw lots of animals (of course) and rode lots of rides at the little amusement park. the girls LOVED the rides.

this is not an exhibit. this is my grandma. monkeys don't wear sunglasses.

cotton candy at the zoo.

sleeping baby at the zoo.

more cotton candy.

we roasted marshmallows. you are never to old (95) to sport your awesome shades and enjoy a marshmallow hot off the coals.

yummy and messy.

we also ate lots of yummy food (of course, it's what my family does) and we went to the bandshell at lake harriet where we played at an awesome park, at ice cream and popcorn, listened to a little bit of music and then it started to rain.

the girls traveled great. it was claire's first road trip and she was amazing!

family pic!

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