Sunday, August 05, 2012

hi there.

hi there. have you missed me?

i haven't blogged in over a week. 

what? you haven't noticed?

here's a teensy bit of what we've been up to.

being burt and ernie.

meeting the cat in the hat. well, lily met him. eva wouldn't come close to him. although when she saw him from a distance she was very excited.

went to see a movie. i said SEE a movie. not HEAR a movie. they don't like loud noises. (fyi, lily is wearing a too big t-shirt with a see through ballerina skirt. nice.)

got some hairs trimmed.

looked cute.

and i have been spending way too much time with my awesome new iPhone. i think i'm in love.

i'm also in love with these three. (and the baby that was strapped to me when i took the picture.)
we have also been busy with preparations to move into a different rent house here in madison...more to come on that!

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