I'm sorry, did you think when I said "let's break it down!" that I was referring to a 23 week pregnant woman dancing?
Sorry to disappoint.
This is rather a breakdown of my pregnant body at 23 weeks.
Did you know that it isn't just my belly that starts showing?
All of me is pregnant, and I mean all of me.
Here is a breakdown.
1. Pregnant face (a.k.a. what I like to call my "fat face"). This is where my pregnancy starts. Well, technically my pregnancy started one summer night when...never mind. Anyway, my face and neck are getting to know each other and become one.
2. Ah yes, now here is where I can say thank goodness all of me is pregnant. An area that is actually a "perk." Pun intended. If only I could keep them forever. And ever.....* Sigh*
3. Obviously the belly is pregnant. It is the only part of my body that is actually pregnant and carrying a baby. It's true.
4. Don't be fooled here. There is no baby in there, even though it is growing at the same rate as my belly. Then again, maybe I'm having twins. And carrying one of them really low. And really far in the back. Who knows. We'll find out for sure in a few months.
5. My thighs certainly don't want to be left out. They always join in the pregnancy fun. God bless them in all their Thunder-thighness.
And over the next 120 some odd days all 5 of these parts will just get bigger and bigger and bigger. And that is at least good news for arrow #2.
We must all just feel that we look bigger than we really do. I look at myself and groan that my belly has another 10 weeks of growing to go. Especially at the rate I am gaining weight now that my holiday treats eating has set in. But when I look at your picture, I think you look FABULOUS!!! I CAN tell that your face is puffier - the same thing happens to me!!! - but other than that, I think you look like a pregnant mommy model!!! I know that YOU know your unpregnant body and what you used to look like, but to the rest of us, you just look like a beautiful, healthy, and slim 23 week pregnant super-mommy! :)