Friday, October 28, 2011

The dress up bin casualty

Well we have mice, a mouse, did have a mouse? The girls discovered a dead mouse at the bottom of the dress up bin. Eva immediately named it Pinky. Because of it's pink feet. Poor innocent thing was probably just trying to dress up as Cinderella, or a Zebra Princess Fairy, or Snow White, or a pirate. It's hard to say. But once Pinky made the plunge into the bin it was too late. Pinky could not get back out.

Let this be a warning to all the other mice that are surely lurking in my basement. And to small children.

P.S. Our cat Charlie is apparently useless. Unless he put Pinky in the dress up bin. And come to think of it, I have caught Charlie in a tutu a few times...


  1. ahhhh! You sound much more calm than I would be after finding a mouse (in toys of all places!). Thanks for the lovely pictures of the little guy.

  2. This totally wigs me out.

