Wednesday, June 01, 2011

i heart bratfest. world's largest bratfest, that is.

10 reasons i love bratfest (besides the obvious - delicious brats, roasted corn, funnel cakes, and more brats).

1. i love bratfest because there are signs with cute smiley brats everywhere.

2.  i love bratfest because there are carnival rides everywhere that cause my big girl much happiness.

3. i love bratfest because he was there. even if his eyes were closed. but that's just how he usually takes a picture.

4.  i love bratfest they have a cool website.

5. i love bratfest because there are 5 bazillion people cooking brats: regular and veggie brats, in case you were wondering. this is madison, wisconsin people. veggie options everywhere. even at bratfest.

6. i love bratfest because neat-o people with mohawks are there.

7. i love bratfest because i get to go down over-priced slides with eva.

8. i love bratfest because we got to hang out with our wonderful and awesome friend mechelle. and we love her. and she is nice. and she bought lots of tickets for the girls to ride the carnival rides. but mostly because we just like her. and she carried lily a lot.

9. i love bratfest because without bratfest we wouldn't have had this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to capture many pictures of me making a really stupid face while enjoying the tea cup ride with eva and lily. and then i couldn't have shared these ridiculous pictures with you. so because of bratfest i am a little more humbled and you are a little more entertained. or disturbed. but we'll go with entertained.

10. the top reason that i truly love bratfest is the slightly overpriced but way totally awesome bright yellow "world's largest bratfest" t-shirt. you know you want one.

1 comment:

  1. Kimberly Adams10:04 AM

    I totally want a Bratfest're right. :)

