Thursday, June 09, 2011

Five years of blogging bliss and 605 posts.

June 11 marks five years of blogging bliss with this the 605th post. That's right people, six hundred five posts.

Let's celebrate!
What in the world have i talked about for 605 posts?

I didn't know I even had that much to say. Actually I don't really think I have said much. (Much like this post!)

But I would like to thank the 4 family members and 2 friends who have faithfully read and endured all 605 posts over the last 5 years.

The 6 of you have made it all possible.

Well, not really. Technically I made it possible by continuing to write about nothing and post ridiculous pictures. And let's face it, most of them have been mind-numbingly boring.

And pretty much all 605 posts contain punctuation errors. Many punctuation errors.

So to truly celebrate 5 years of blogging, I am going to attempt to start using correct capitalization. No more lazy fingers.

So that's it. This is my one declaration of the leaf I am turning over.  I can't make any promises that my punctuation or grammar or spelling will be correct but I will give it my best shot.

It's my gift to you. A thank you of sorts. It's almost like my first (and only) blog give away. And you didn't even have to leave a comment! Everyone's a winner!

thank you. i thank you. (okay, that is my last lazy intentional punctuation. I promise!!!)

This is also my gift to you. A weird and mildly inappropriate picture. Because it's my blog and I can. And we're married and I'm pretty sure Shaun likes it. Don't be fooled by the look on his face.


  1. I love your blog!! You may not write about much, but I love your sense of humor and your posts make me laugh, which is a nice break from some of the stress of daily life. Happy 5 years of blogging :)

  2. Mildly inappropriate is such a relative term. (haha)

    I'm certainly one of the two faithful readers....and I'm very glad you do what you exactly the way you do it. Keep it up my friend!

  3. Wow, 5 years, such a milestone! Congratulations!!
    Your daughters are so cute and remind me of my two blondes when they were that little. They are now 19 and 17. It flies, watch out!
    We also have a cat named Charlie, and I LOVE your picture of him.
    Keep it going for another 5, Danielle!

  4. i love your blog. i'm glad i knew you enough awhile back to get sucked in and enjoy the ride.

    here's to five more!!! i raise my virtual glass to you!

  5. happy five years! stop the capital letters though, it hurts my eyes.

