Friday, April 01, 2011

looking for better times? guess i should look behind me.

illness still abounds in our home. i know because my poor husband sits here with two blankets on, shivering with a temp of 101 and wondering how he can feel heat coming out of his eyeballs.

not good friends, not good at all.

it has been a week, that's for sure. i think i am feeling much better. eva is doing great. and lily has been a crazy, psycho, fit-throwing, probably somewhat-sick two-year-old for the past several days. and most definitely today as well.

but let's move on. or back in the past, to happier times. when we were happy, and free of illness and fevers, and happy, and feeling good. and happy. did i mention happy?

a few weeks ago we went on a chilly hike to...somewhere near a lake in madison. it was very nice. and cold.

there was a pretty stone wall. no fevers.

and nice little trails with lots of things to stop and look at. and there were chills of a different kind. the good kind of chills that two blankets would quickly stifle.

and there were plenty of nice views of the capitol through the trees. you know that nice little roundish building that has been in the news lately, with all those nice people hanging out there for days on end because someone inside that roundish building did something that lots of people didn't like. does this sound familiar? yep, there it is.

and there were more things to stop and look at. and things to try to throw in the icy water. and then all of this lasted for about 15 minutes before we were too cold. and it was close to 11 a.m. which means lunch at the spencer house because we eat on an old person's schedule. so we went to Qdoba and at lunch. and then two weeks later we got sick with the flu/cold/cough/sinus junk. better times are coming. right? the end.


  1. Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog :) Very cute! I like your "I'm a professional blog stalker" thingy, but I noticed there's no thingy to professionally stalk you? :P

  2. Hey, you discovered Picnic Point!

  3. My favorite Picnic Point quote:

    Simon is crawling out on one of those big horizontal tree branches over the icy water.

    Nathaniel (in a mildly hysterical voice): Brother! I do not like seeing you do that!
    Simon: Don't look at me then.

