Saturday, February 05, 2011

shiver me timbers

shaun has been reading a lot of books to eva before bed lately. i think he is really enjoying this because she is getting to an age where she can follow and enjoy longer books. this means that shaun gets to read a lot of children's/young adult books that he never read.

a couple weeks ago there was somewhat of a pirate theme around our house. they were also reading treasure island (or an abridged version). see for yourself below.

this week they are reading an abridged version of black beauty, or as lily calls it black booty.

1 comment:

  1. Shirley7:53 AM

    i love those girls, can't wait to see them!

    love, mi-mi

    your pictures are priceless, aren't you glad I took so many of you girls when you were little?

