Tuesday, November 02, 2010

pumpkin patch farm thingy place

i love that there are so many farms in wisconsin. and there are so many that are very close to where we live. last saturday eva and i were able to go to a pumpkin patch thing with some friends from church. it was a lot of fun to do the hayride, pet the animals, and play. and it was only 20 minutes from where we live!

i hate to compare everything to aiken in every post and blab on and on about how awesome and wonderful madison is, but well that's just what i do and madison is awesome. the past several years i have wanted to take eva to some kind of pumpkin patch but couldn't ever find one within an hours drive of aiken.

and if you live in aiken, don't tell me now about any pumpkin patches right outside of town. that will not make me happy. but just so you know, i really miss our aiken church, friends, and my old house (that i still own!). but i am so thankful to love our madison church, friends, and well, my apartment i just like but not love. am i going on a rabbit trail here?

anyway, i was very excited about going to this place. they had THE most awesome pumpkin pecan fudge. holy moses it was amazing.

enough typing nonsense. here are pictures.
i found it rather entertaining to watch her try to climb in that chair.

everyone at a pumpkin patch has to have their picture taken with their pumpkin.

when did she get so big? can you believe she will be turning 5 next month?

eva with miri, on of her new friends from church.

she likes to keep a cautious distance from horned animals. and animals with fur. and animals with eyes. or feet. or tails.


  1. Oh.....I just cried looking at these pictures. I literally have tears running down my face. Her legs are so long and she looks so grown up. It's only been like 7 months since I've seen her but STILL. I miss her!

  2. shirley10:25 AM

    What precious memories for Mama
    and Eva. I can't believe that she will be 5. I remember the day that she came out of your tummy.

    love mi-mi

  3. don't mean to burst your bubble here...but....were you in a real pumpkin patch?! :) It looks like they picked a bunch of pumpkins somewhere else and laid them on a big field of hay/straw! ;)

    Come to Maryland and we'll take you to a real pumpkin patch where they're still green on the vine and you get to pull them off the vine yourself!

    hmmm..i guess i should note that we ourselves got ours off of a shelf this year.....but that was by choice!!!! ;)

    Love you, and SO glad you're enjoying madison!!!!!
    Praise God!

