Monday, October 18, 2010

it's all in how you look at it.

all in all i would consider lily's first fall down our stairs a success.

as reported by eva, she tumbled down the stairs head over heels and then stopped by eva. it was best that i didn't witness the event.

she only cried for a minute. no external injuries to report at this time.

just a mild crossing of the eyes. and one eye is dilated more than the other. but i consider it a conversation starter when meeting new people.

i'm kidding. about the whole eyes thing. but you have to admit, it would be a great conversation starter. and "eye" mean it!

i'm done now. and i'm thankful for carpeted stairs.


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Where is this childs mother???

  2. You don't know me (I clicked over here from Annie Hathaway's blog - I also don't know her!) - but I wanted to tell you I love this story. You're right, it's all in how you look at it. :)

    - some random girl named Amy

  3. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Mother was obviously off writing her blog, eating bon-bons and secretly trying on the heart shaped glasses while deciding "should I or shouldn't I?"!

  4. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I think Lily is taking after her Nanny. Most pictures of me as a child I either have a bandaid somewhere or a bruise......glad she is OK...Love ya!

  5. we really have to watch them every second of every day??!! What do they think we are...their mother's?

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  7. Although I hate the stains on our carpeted stairs, I am thankful for the cushioning it has provided for Clip's three falls down our well as the upcoming Martin falls that are most likely in our future! :)

