Thursday, September 02, 2010

weebles wobble but they don't fall down

lily went for her 18 month check-up today. here are her stats:
  • weight: 21 lbs (10th percentile)
  • height: 31.5 in (50th percentile)
  • head circumference: 18 something (75th percentile)
with the above stats i see an odd pattern. she is definitely all brains. makes me think of a weeble wobble for some reason. if she fell on her head i don't think she would be able to roll back over to her feet.

that's right, tall, skinny, and smart. just like her mommy daddy.
her pediatrician recommended some ointment that i could put on her forehead for her scar. but i had to explain to the doctor that if i did that we wouldn't be able to call her Scar Face.

how else will she come to us when we call her? it's too late to call her lily, she's already taken to scar face.

i suppose we could just resort to her middle name: squinty eyes. she will respond to that.

 i love my little squinty-eyed scar faced baby.

and her precious little pig tails.


  1. shirley2:12 PM

    mi-mi loves her too, can't wait to kiss her at the end of this month.

    love mi-mi

  2. LOL- squinty eyed scar face....cute! :) She is adorable!

  3. You are way too much fun Danielle. Love, love, love your blog and the delicious glimpses into your life.

  4. Anonymous9:38 PM

    She is just too cute! Good thing you are coming soon, I don't think I could stand to wait too much longer,
    Love you,

  5. Anonymous10:15 PM

    She is sooo cute! Nanny wishes she could give her hugs and kisses!


  6. Did you ask Dr. L if you could just use a "natural" paste of oatmeal, flax seed and olive oil with tea leaves or something to rub on the scar? Hello......doesn't she know who you are???? :)

  7. Didn't Lily weigh like 15 lbs. at a year. How do you always end up with such tiny babies and mine are like trying to be in the Book of World records for fastest growers or something?! Martin probably weighs close to 14lbs. right now and he is just over 3 months old. Crazy.

