Friday, July 23, 2010

the score: fireplace 1, lily 0

it was just a matter of time. lily was playing in the living room last night and one wrong spin sent her head first into the brick hearth of the fireplace. blood was everywhere. i grabbed her quickly and thankfully shaun was home to think clearly for us. she dripped blood in the living room, all over the hallway floor, down my arms, on my feet, all down her face. it was icky. she was crying, i was crying, shaun was calm. we kept a washcloth on her forehead and the bleeding stopped pretty quickly. in no time she was happy and running around the house. she didn't sleep too well the first half of the night probably because she is a tummy sleeper and rubs her head on her mattress. poor girl. i have lily-proofed the fireplace today.

she's saying "cheese" in this picture.

closing her eyes because the camera flash scares her.


  1. Glad that both Lily and mommy are ok!I would have been crying too. Thank God for hubbys!

  2. My stomach (and heart) hurt just looking at that picture! I can only imagine the amount of blood! Ouch. Glad to hear no stiches/glue were needed.
    And thanks for telling me you've got a tub pooper too; icky!

  3. Aunt Kathy6:42 PM

    Poor baby and poor mommmy. Thank goodness for strong daddies. This may be the first, but not the last boo boo she will get. Bless her heart. I am glad she (and you) are ok. Glad she is smiling that sweet smile!!

  4. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I can't stand it!

  5. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Oh it makes me hurt!


