Sunday, May 02, 2010

innocence lost

eva was stung today by a bee or some sort of flying stinging bug. it got her nose and her lip. i thought things were going great because she didn't really have a fear of bees or wasps. if a bee flew by she would say "hey, mr. bee!" i'm pretty sure the mr. bee days are gone.

we all went to the grocery store late this afternoon. shaun and the girls stayed in the car. yes, we are that vain, if you must know. besides that we were afraid she might be mistaken for someone else.

i think you can see why we might be concerned.


  1. Chris L10:10 PM

    I guess you can sing the song "I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee". The bee doesn't fair well in this song.

  2. Kimberly9:20 PM

    ok....the creature was funny! LOL Is her lip any better today? Someone told me that you can mix charcoal with vaseline to make a paste and it takes out any sting and swelling.

  3. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Oh that poor girl! This makes me just want to hug her.

