Sunday, April 11, 2010

three good things and one bad thing

1. pioneer woman's carrot cake

2. a warm chiminea on a cool night that a dear, dear friend gave you because she just happens to be moving to CHINA. (she gave me the chiminea, not the cool night)

3. eating pioneer woman's carrot cake by the warm chiminea that a dear, dear friend gave me because she is moving to CHINA, with my husband.

hold it, hold it! wait! she is not moving to china with my husband. she is moving to china with her husband, and daughter.

the english language can be complicated if you don't word things just right.

i am simply just enjoying pioneer woman's cake by a warm chiminea with my husband on a cool night. this is getting complicated.

one bad thing:

my dear, dear friend is moving to china! did i mention that?

what's that you ask? the friend who gave me the chiminea? yes! that is the one! and you know what else that means? that means that eva's dearest, closest friend is moving to china too!

my heart is full and sad about my friend and her family leaving. i will write about them later.


  1. Anonymous3:50 PM

    And I'm sad for you that they are moving! Dear, dear friends are priceless. Now we have to come to your house when the weather is cooler and enjoy the fire and carrot cake.
    Love you,

  2. Hey! Is this the carrot cake recipe on the PW website? I tried to find it, but her picture looks different. Your cake looks so very yummy!! -You know i can't see a picture like that and not want to make it! :)

  3. Oh, I am very sad to hear that!!!
    I can tell from your blog and pictures how close your families are and what great friends Eva and Xan are!!! Plus, I know how priceless a close friend is because I had so many (like you) at Seminary and don't really have that here. So my heart aches for you that you will be losing such great friends. (well, not losing, but you know what I mean....losing the proximity I guess!)
    We will pray that other good friendships will grow to fill the hole that they will leave! :(

    p.s. Thank you SO MUCH for your "catch up" letter. I'm SO SORRY I haven't responded yet. Maybe I should just try to call you one afternoon since I'm always having laundry to fold or something to do that keeps me from sitting at the computer.

    Love you and miss you!

