Sunday, April 18, 2010

sad sunday

i hate goodbyes. i have been dreading today. just thinking these last few weeks about saying goodbye to my dearest friend and thinking about eva saying goodbye to her dearest friend made my stomach churn and my heart ache.  i feel like there are so many things i could say and i am feeling a so many emotions now that our friends are off to china but sometimes it's just too difficult to really know what to say. that and i know i could write on an on about our friendships. but instead i'll just put up the first and last pictures taken of our families and the first and last picture of eva and xan together. and the rest will stay in my heart. (be sure to read their blog to find out all about why they are going to china. i'm sure megan will get around to posting about details on what brought them to china, etc.)

this is the first picture of all of us together

last picture, the day before stan flew to china.

look at these two! they were about 18 months old here. this was the first picture taken of the two of them together.

last picture taken the other day. these two LOVE each other. it's heartbreaking to think about them being separated.


  1. I'm so sad for you! and it reminds me of leaving atherton. now I'm sad...

  2. Shirley10:28 AM

    Isn't it wonderful though how the Lord brought their family into your life? It is so much fun now to hear from old friends that live different place and to re-connect with them now!


