Saturday, March 06, 2010

a new love in my life

for a while now i have literally been dreaming about owning a good camera. after my friend heather so graciously allowed me to borrow one of her cameras for a long period of time i was in love and smitten by canon. about nine months ago heather had to take her camera back. i was very sad.

well, this week thanks to my totally awesome husband, my birthday, and a timely and good tax return I GOT MY CAMERA!!!! actually, it is the Lord is the one who blessed me with this incredible gift. it is literally a dream come true. seriously, i have had dreams that friends had surprised me with a nice camera and i cried in my dream. and when ups delivered my camera i cried too.

i am just beyond excited. and overwhelmed. and excited. did i mention i'm excited? i have a lot to learn. by the way, i got a canon rebel xsi.

and for icing on the cake a very dear friend who loves me very much got me this totally cute and awesome camera bag. (thanks again dear friend, i love you!)

as always, my faithful, supportive, and loyal photography guinea pigs:

much more to come...


  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Yea! I'm so happy for you! You already had the talent (also a gift from God) and now you have the tools. Will look forward to many more great pictures!
    Love you,

  2. Kimberly1:19 PM

    Congrats on the new camera!!!!! Is that what you took the cat photo on Pioneer Woman with? I loved it! And they spelled Spencercasa right this time :)

  3. I'm so excited and happy for you Danielle! I wish I could come to GA so you could show and tell me all about it!
    I'll look forward to more great pictures!

  4. Anonymous6:25 PM

    that one of eva, with shaun in the background, just might be my all time favorite!

    when does the book come out?

    love your uncle stephen

  5. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Your "dear friend" loves you too! Hope you have many happy years of shooting.

