Wednesday, March 31, 2010

fayetteville, nc

we finally made it back to fayetteville to visit gramps and grandma at their house. they usually come visit us. lily hasn't been the best traveler so we haven't been to their house for about a year and a half. eva spent most of the week with them and we went to pick her up and stay a few days. as always, it was very fun and relaxing!

here some quick highlights and a few too many pictures of our weekend:

playing on all the fun equipment in gramps and grandma's huge yard back by the creek

playing on one of the bridges
eating popsicles


hanging out together

being cute

we also went to ft. bragg to see some of the places shaun lived when he was little

and the hospital where he was born (no longer a hospital)

on saturday we drove home. and in true eva and lily fashion, my faithful girls didn't sleep a wink on the drive home! but elmo kept them very happy on the dvd player.

1 comment:

  1. glad you guys were able to levitate on your trip. No vacation is complete without levitation.

