Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

poop is not for dinner

tonight we had some dear friends over for a fancy dinner of pizza and dessert. as usual my girls were lively, yelling, climbing on our friends, being overly affectionate, interrupting, lily announcing that she was in the bathroom when our friends arrived, etc.

finally we sat down to eat our pizza. naturally the adults lingered around the table, while eva and lily finished quickly and ran around making noise.

as we lingered i kept claire occupied in her high chair where she could graze on her food and stay out of trouble. i did notice a few times that she was performing her dinnerly (yes, that's a word now) grunting meaning she was, shall we say, making room for the pizza and grapes she was eating. i kept feeding her grapes and talking.

finally at one point we all looked at claire and noticed she had a disgusted look on her face with a piece of food in her hand that she had just taken out of her mouth. i went over to investigate what part of pizza or grape she was so grossed out by.

i looked in her hand and though maybe it was a mushroom but by the look on her face i thought mushrooms don't taste that bad.  and then i thought that the piece of food looked more like a green pepper or jalapeño. so i though oh, a jalapeño, yes, that would cause her to make that face.

and then i thought, we didn't have jalapeños on the pizza.

and then...i"it"...smelled like poop.

yep, it was food that had just been pooped out.

those dinnerly grunts she had done a while back had "leaked" and she had grabbed

total gross out moment. 

she at poop, people, POOP!

needless to say she was taken straight to the tub and stripped down and she also opened her other hand that was still tightly clinging to another piece of her "snack."

i guess with her being our third child and the first to eat poop we are doing pretty well. as a parent, one must look for a way in all situations to pat themselves on the back. after you washing your hands, of course.

good thing she's cute. and good thing i just bough her a toothbrush.

eat blueberries and nutella on toast. not poop.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

lily's first flower girl gig

shaun, eva, and lily traveled to wheaton, il yesterday so shaun could perform the wedding of some friends and lily could be the flower girl. 

initially all 5 of us were going to go but then reason got the better of us and we decided it would be much easier to chase claire around the comfort of our own home rather than a hotel, rehearsal, and wedding. 

this meant that somehow shaun had to do a wedding and keep track of two girls. thankfully we had other friends at the wedding who were very sweet to help out and the girls did great. we drilled lily over and over to NOT TALK during the wedding! i think she pulled it off. 

these are some pics shaun took with his phone and sent to me. i had also coached shaun on what to do with lily's hair for the wedding. thankfully there was someone there to do her hair. (dodged a bullet there!) and i think it turned out so sweet. 

love these two girls!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

my poor neglected blog

i have had this little blog for 7 years, since eva was 6 months old. is it weird that i have bloggers guilt and haven't blogged in over a month? i have never gone that long! i think that most people use facebook now for the kind of things i blog about, but i'm not quite ready to give up the blog yet.

i like having it as a way to remember things about my three crazy girls. i have definitely become distracted by other things like my etsy shop. but maybe i can keep up with my little ole blog a bit more.

happy 7 years little blog!

claire at 15 months

claire at 15 months:
  • weighs around 20lbs
  • don't know how tall she is
  • wears 18 month clothes
  • has 4 teeth (two more top ones are about to come through0
  • still fairly bald
  • can say dada, mama, mommy, doggy, down, get down, no, bye, hi, eda (eva), nanny, ne-ne, mimi, night night, bath, eat, snack, etc.
  • loves water and bath time. after dinner she heads straight to the bathroom saying "bath!"
  • likes to tell charlie "get down!" when he's on the counter
  • loves the water park and has no fear at all of the water
  • loves fruit and cheese
  • takes one nap a day
  • goes to bed at 6:30 p.m. and gets up around 7 (some nights still gets up once a night to nurse)
  • loves dogs
  • she loves to climb
  • very snuggly, loves giving kisses and hugs and receiving them
  • loves to be very social and say "hi" to everyone, go up to strangers
here are some other things she loves:


the sandbox and being outside

charlie the cat

being naked!


matching with her sisters!

corn on the cob

popsicles and fudgesicles

